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Specifications for Hanging Art
The Left Hand Artist Group supplies tags for your art. You may fill out the tags at the meeting when you drop off art. You may also take a few with you to return later. The art in inventory will also be updated with the new tags. We will no longer hang tags with personal QR codes.
• Name, medium, title and phone number written directly on the back of the piece
• Wire hung (no saw-tooth hangers)
• Extra points for placing your art in a clear plastic bag.
• Bring your art to a meeting. We will accept 3 pieces and no bigger than 36" largest side.
• We will store a total of 7 pieces from one artist.
• Fill out the Artist Agreement on the Forms page of this website. This is required to hang any art with the Left Hand Artist Group. Thank you!

The correct way to
wire your artwork.
The INCORRECT way to wire your artwork.

Sorry, we no longer accept framing of this type.
No raw glass edges, please!

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